Employment Application:

Applicants must be committed to classical and Christian education. Teacher candidates with experience teaching in a classical and Christian school are preferred.  Christ Classical offers a competitive salary, family friendly community, and beautiful environment.  For a printable version of an employment application, click on the link below. Christ Classical is always seeking like-minded individuals whom the Lord is leading to our school community. Send your resume to office@christclassicalslo.org.


Christ Classical School of San Luis Obispo, CA., a classical and distinctly Christ-centered school, seeks full-time grammar teachers for the 2021-2022 academic year. Qualified candidates will have a bachelor’s degree, preferably in liberal arts. The ideal candidate should be a mature Christian committed to lifelong learning and professional development, possess an understanding of the classical pedagogy, eager to nurture and inspire students, and desire to work with a dedicated staff of teachers.

If you are interested in any position, please email Matthew LaFon at office@christclassicalslo.org